KEHPCA’s Palliative Care Films have been accepted to the Health Rights Film Festival.
View Video: Palliative Care is Everyone’s Business
View Video: Cancer Is Not Beyond Us – Commemorating World Cancer Day 2015
What’s this?
This is the inaugural Health Rights Online Film Festival, brought to you by The Association of Schools of Public Health in the European Region (ASPHER). The festival’s purpose is to collect and promote advocacy videos from around the world that focus on injustices at the intersection of public health and human rights.
On this site you can view all 76 films submitted, and vote for your favorites. Based on those votes, winners will be named on October 16th, 2015, at the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) Conference in Milan, Italy. The awards ceremony will also be livestreamed so you can watch from home.
How do I vote?
Here, voting = sharing.
1 share = 1 vote. Just follow these steps:
1. Go to the homepage and find a video you like.
2. Click on the image to go to that video’s page.
3. Below each video, use the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ share buttons to vote for the film. 1 share = 1 vote for that video.
If you share a video via all 4 platforms, that video will get 4 votes. You can vote for as many videos as you like.
Voting is open until 5pm CET on Wednesday, October 14th.