KEHPCA believes that all doctors graduating should have knowledge and skills in palliative care.  KEHPCA has been working with medical, nursing, dental and pharmacy training institutions to integrate palliative care in their respective curricula.
A group of newly qualified medical officer interns approached KEHPCA’s national director, Dr. Ali requesting her for training on palliative care.

KEHPCA in collaboration with Nairobi Hospice organized a two day training session on 5th and 6th March 2012 for a group of 50 medical officer interns. The interns were trained on palliative care with emphasis on principals of palliative care; pain assessment and management; breaking bad news & ethical and professionalism in palliative care.

The interns were very grateful to receive this training as they are soon to be deployed to different parts of the country where they will be expected to manage patients with life threatening illnesses.  Some of them will be working with the 11 government hospitals that KEHPCA is mentoring to integrate palliative care, others will champion scaling up of palliative care services in their new station.

“These sessions have been an eye opener to us; we were very apprehensive, not knowing what to expect when we start our internship, but now we feel more knowledge and believe that we will be able to add life into our patients’ days. I can now comfortably prescribe opioids to patients who need them. Thank you KEHPCA for supporting this initiative. ’ Said one participant.

KEHPCA would like to acknowledge Dr. Job Mwale, who is one of the interns for facilitating the interns to participate in the training.  KEHPCA looks forward to reaching out to the other 450 interns in the course of this year.

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