“Garissa County has been affected by various threats of insecurity in the recent past and we are grateful that being young you dared to visit our county”, said the Garissa County Executive Commissioner for Health, Dr. Hubi.

KEHPCA (Kenya Hospice and Palliative Care Association) promotes the integration of Palliative care services in all corners of the country; even insecurity cannot prevent the willing KEHPCA souls from reaching the marginalized areas like Garissa.  The National Association has been supporting Garissa Provincial General Hospital to integrate palliative care services under the support of the True Color’s Trust.

The KEHPCA Team had a strategizing meeting with the hospital administration and palliative care team. “Some of the areas discussed include mentoring other hospitals to establish palliative care services, creating awareness using local media and sensitizing the health care workers on pediatric palliative care,” reported the Head of Programs KEHPCA, Dr. Kinyanjui.

The palliative care team was involved in coordinating and facilitating a half day workshop on the 3rd of November 2015 in pediatrics palliative care that targeted health care workers from various departments within the hospital. Having watched a short video on how to break bad news, several professionals acknowledged that they have not been doing it the right way and committed to engage with the PC team to improve their skills. “This forum has been very useful and will help us reduce unnecessary referral of children to Nairobi for car that can be given locally,” said one of the participants.

The County CEC of health was delighted by this initiative within the hospital and urged KEHPCA to provide support both soft and hardware.  ” We need to factor other areas like training both religious leaders  and care givers who are playing  a great role in caring for patients faced by life threatening illnesses in the community,” said the CEC- Ms Huuda.

The hospital CEO, Mr. Adis promised to support the palliative care team to achieve the desired objectives. “I am delighted that our hospital has been recognized as a centre of excellence. We will continue to support the unit as appropriate.” said the CEO.

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