The palliative care week will be celebrated from 5th to 10th October this year, the theme is; Hidden lives/Hidden patients. 10th October will be marked as the World hospice and palliative care day.

KEHPCA  the umbrella body for palliative care in Kenya will be  supporting service providers in the country to provide care to  patients who have not been served e.g., prisoners, children or patients in remote areas throughout the week.  The service providers will also sensitize their local communities through media  in order to promote awareness and access to palliative care services.

KEHPCA  will also engage the major media stations to create awareness on palliative care, availability of services and mobilize partnerships for better provision of services.
The association is urging both international and local communities to join hands to make this event successful.

For more information on how to participate, please contact us via;

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